Hi, I’m Cait!

I’m an equine photographer and composer based in Northern Illinois and Ohio. Horses have been my passion for as long as I can remember, and I strive to capture authentic moments between horses and their humans.

In addition to photography, I design dressage freestyles for all levels of competitors - from juniors and amateurs to seasoned pros.


When not behind the lens or keyboard, I am likely spending time with my own motley crew of equines! I grew up on a small horse farm in rural Ohio, and love nothing more than spending an afternoon in the company of happy, grazing ponies.

Though competitive riding has never been a priority for me, the horses in my life have set me on the path of science-based horse training and behavior modification. I am passionate about meeting horses where they are at and setting them up for success in all facets of life. Two horses have been most integral to my growth and learning; Arcturus, a 2016 OTTB gelding adopted in April of 2020 - the first horse to demand that I become a better listener and communicator, and Solstice, a 2015 BLM mustang mare adopted in May of 2023, who holds me accountable and continually pushes me to do better each day.

Outside of the visual arts, I am a musician and recent graduate of Oberlin Conservatory. Music has been a part of my life as long as horses have, and nothing brings me greater joy than being able to combine the two. My passion project is called “Equiphonics” - a system of sensors that turn the movement of a horse in motion into music in real time. In addition to composing music and developing Equiphonics, I am a violinist and horn player, with plans to return to graduate school in the near future.