Freestyles as bold as you are.

  • Visualize.

    Whether we’re in the training ring or under stadium lights at Devon, we all have vivid dreams about that perfect ride. Hearing the soundtrack to your ride is the first step in designing a killer freestyle. From epic film scores to light-hearted pop music, we’ll pick a vibe that will elevate your ride.

  • Design.

    Every horse has its own rhythm, and tempo tracking will give your ride a seamless, tailored look. Besides, nothing feels better than each hoofbeat matching your music, step for step.

    After tempo-tracking, we will finalize your music selections, and I will mix and master your music, then edit your track to a video of your choreography.

    Throughout the entire design process, we will meet to ensure that your score brings your vision to life.

  • Ride.

    Once your music is mixed and mastered, it will be delivered to you digitally and via CD-rom. For ease of rehearsal, you will also receive a cue-sheet.


My freestyles are priced depending on complexity - lower level freestyles typically have fewer timing demands than the FEI levels, therefore are priced accordingly. All freestyles include virtual consultations throughout the design process, and are created by an audio professional with a passion for horses in motion.

In addition to music, I offer choreography design for a comprehensive experience.

Training - 1st Level

Music only: $350

Music & Choreography: $425

2nd - 4th level

Music only: $425

Music & Choreography: $500


Music only: $600

Music & Choreography: $700


Gallery of highlights!

Jenn Boblitt with Confetti APT riding their fun, country-themed Inter-1 freestyle in August of 2020.